Woohoo! Boating season is here. That means it’s time to check your emergency (safety) equipment. There’s nothing worse than being out on the water when an emergency strikes. Your loved one or friend becomes suddenly-in-command. They can’t find your equipment. Or, worse yet, it is old, falling apart or missing. According to the Chapman’s Piloting […]
Float Plans – Do You File One?
As the Miami Boat Show quickly approaches it reminds me of the many boaters who travel from all over the world to attend this show. And, I can’t help wondering if the guy I overheard on the bus trip from the parking lot to the Strictly Sail Show ever got his catamaran. If so, did […]
Boating Accidents in Florida – Press Conference
Since last June I’ve been writing and giving speeches for my Advanced Competent Communicator Award via Toastmasters. The project consists of 10 speeches. The last 5 of which are “Communicating on Video”. Project #4 is “The Press Conference”. The objectives are: — To understand the nature of a video broadcast press conference — To prepare for […]