Rose Awards 2015

Rose Awards 2015

“Case Studies are the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal.
Howard Gardner, Harvard University

Customer Success Stories are a great way to let your buyers know how happy your customers are with your products and/or services. These are also known as Case Studies.

The photo above is from the Recognition of Service Excellence (Rose) Awards that are held each year by the North Florida Hotel and Lodging Association to recognize front line hospitality employees who show excellence in customer service.  In order for these men and women to qualify, they have to show commitment to create an extraordinary experience for their visitors.  

This leads to what a customer success story is all about; interviewing your “Happy” customers and telling how your business solved a specific problem for them.

Once a customer success story is written, there are at least 9 Ways to Use these stories. One way, in the example above is to write a news story such as the one below.


Other ways are shown in the examples below.  To learn more about the 9 Ways to Use Case Studies click here.

If you have any questions and/or would like to discuss your case study project
further – I can be reached on my cell at 339-532-8334 or by contacting me here.

Case Study Samples:

Kinnear Office Furnishings – case study
This writing sample was produced during a professional
development program on creating effective case studies.

Kinnear Office Furnishingsinterview questions for case study
This is a list of 5 sample questions I would have asked during the interview process
for this case study

South Shore Hospital
This case study uses a simple, one-page approach stating the Problem,
then the solution.

Metro Tech Vocational School
This sample is in newsletter format where the case study is used as the main
feature article.