Woohoo! Boating season is here. That means it’s time to check your emergency (safety) equipment. There’s nothing worse than being out on the water when an emergency strikes. Your loved one or friend becomes suddenly-in-command. They can’t find your equipment. Or, worse yet, it is old, falling apart or missing. According to the Chapman’s Piloting […]
Indel-Webasto Isotherm Systems. Do you know how th...
Does your boat have an Isotherm System? If so, do you know how it works? “It’s the little things you may not recognize when you’re buying a boat,” says Dave Lerbs of Indel Webasto. “Like how the refrigerator on your boat really works.” If you own one of the 160+ known boats worldwide with Isotherm’s […]
Suddenly in Command ~ Know Your Crew; Keep Them Sa...
This article was published in Winter 2017 Nor’Easter for TONE (Tartan Owners Northeast). for the rest of the series go here: by Robin G. Coles They say the most successful businesses are those that work well with their employees. The same holds true with Captains of boats. The most successful trips are the ones who […]
Five Steps to a Safer and Fun Boating Experience
This article was published in Summer 2016 Nor’Easter for TONE (Tartan Owners Northeast). Inc. for previous articles go here: Boating is supposed to be “fun”, isn’t it? Then Stop Yelling! It’s stressful enough for your spouse/ significant other who’s not sure what to do if something happens. In order to have a successful sail, couples need to […]