Suddenly in Command ~ Murphy’s Law

This article was published in Summer 2017 Nor’Easter for TONE (Tartan Owners Northeast). for the rest of the series go here: by Robin G. Coles Suddenly-in-Command: Murphy’s Law!   Don’t give up your compass, VHF radio or common sense just yet.  Both brothers Murray and Murphy are coming for a visit. Murray’s the one that…

Struggling with Subchapter M Compliance, Kheiron Can Help. The Clock is Ticking!

A full day and many phone calls later, I’m not much smarter about Subchapter M than when I started my quest. What I do know is there are more changes coming as the USCG refines different articles for more clarity. The best advice – and I say that loosely – is to contact your local…

Suddenly in Command ~ Know Your Crew; Keep Them Safe!

This article was published in Winter 2017 Nor’Easter for TONE (Tartan Owners Northeast). for the rest of the series go here: by Robin G. Coles They say the most successful businesses are those that work well with their employees. The same holds true with Captains of boats. The most successful trips are the ones who…

Five Ways Kluber Lubricants Help Marine Operators

"Imagine using a common grease and it's dripping on the deck of a ship. People slip and fall," says Ben Bryant, Marketing Manager of Kluber Lubricants. To prevent this from happening in the future, Bryant recommends using their adhesive grease. "It adheres well in these situations," he says. "You probably wouldn't use that same grease…

How Much is a Life Worth to You?

Workboat Show 2016 in New Orleans, was a huge success.  Subchapter M was the big focus this year. June 2016 the Coast Guard released the final rule. July 20, 2018 is the deadline for the two-year phase-in.  By 2022, Subchapter M should be fully in place.  This means, towing vessels will become safer vessels and…
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